Moby Dick #4

Star Trek: Year Four - The Enterprise Experiment #2

Star Trek TNG: Intelligence Gathering #5 - Disgrace
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #29 - Exalted p.1

Moby Dick #4
Star Trek: Year Four - The Enterprise Experiment #2
Star Trek TNG: Intelligence Gathering #5 - Disgrace
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #29 - Exalted p.1
Arrden Entertainment has 1 new item in August:
They should have announced 2 new titles after The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Iliad are finished. I hope that this is not the end of the Marvel Illustrated line :(
I liked watching the series and have a few issues from the old X-Files comics. This is my 1st venture into DC comics and I hope that the 2008 DC comics are using better paper and printing quality then their old Star Trek comics.
IDW's August solicitation have 6 new items for me including the new Tony Lee's Doctor Who mini series:
For some reason there is no mention of Star Trek: Mirror Images #3.
Another very cool Doctor Who story. The art and new coloring is just great. What bothered me in the story is how the Doctor was portrayed as kind of dumb. One would have thought that the Tardis's data banks have info all on the races in the universe, so the Doctor shouldn't have been taken in by the Meep's act. And it took the Doctor too long to realize that he has a bomb in his tummy.
Kudos to IDW for coloring and re-printing these old Doctor Who comics. I'm looking forward to see what they'll do with old Star Trek comics.
Doctor Who #4
Star Wars: Legacy #23 - Loyalities
Although we are already a week into May, there still no sign of August solicitations :(
An Indiana Jones expanded univers is a great idea. Dark Horse's Star Wars expanded universe is great and so is Pocket Books Star Trek expanded universe. Can't wait to start reading !!!
Although I would have prefered not so many monsters, I'm still lloking forward to these issues.
Cool, there are going to be more Spike comics.
Sounds good !!! Also I;m crossing my fingers that the older Spike comics will be re-printed by IDW in the smaller & cheaper version, or they'll appear in a bargain bin somewhere :)