June 08 - 4th shipment

June's 4th shipment have only 3 new additions to my collection including volume 1 of Indiana Jones aAdventures. The new Dresden Files issue that was supposed to arrive today is MIA. What is it with Diamond and not shipping my Dresden Files issues ???
Indiana Jones Adventures vol. 1
Moby Dick #5

Star Wars: Dark Times #12 - Vector p.6

Writer Brian Lynch on Spike: After the fall

The new Spike: After the Fall mini series is supposed to debute next month from IDW. Here is what writer Brian Lynch had to say:

  • In IDW's Angel: After the Fall, all of the characters who survived the melee that concluded Joss Whedon's TV series have had to find their way in a Los Angeles cast into hell. As befit his character, the vampire Spike seemed to have it all at the start -- he was set up in a certain Beverly Hills mansion, surrounded by a cadre of female warriors and Illyria, too. But it wasn't always so easy for him.
  • Spike: After the Fall tells the tale of what happened in the intervening months since that alleyway cataclsym. Along for the ride in this series are Illyria, who has a tendency to revert back to Fred at inopportune times, as well as Angel's Dragon, and a new cast of characters as well. Most importantly, the series introduces a character who will come to be see as Spike¹s arch-nemesis. Even more than Angel.

June 08 - 3rd shipment

June's 3rd shipment add 6 issues to my collection including the missing Dresden Files issue:

Angel: After the Fall #9

Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle #2

The Iliad #7

Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic #30 - Exalted p.2

Star Wars: Legacy #25 - The Hidden Temple

Zorro #4

IDW in September

September will bring 8 new items from my favorite publisher IDW, including a new Star Trek minis serie and a TP of old Star Trek comics:
  • Angel: After the Fall #12
  • Spike: After the Fall #3
  • Doctor Who Classics #10
  • Doctor Who: The Forgotten #2
  • Star Trek: Romulans- The Hollow Crown #1
  • Star Trek: Mirro Images #3
  • Star Trek: Assignment Earth #5
  • Star Trek Archives vol. 1: Best of Peter David

Marvel comics in September

In Spetember Marvel will have new items for me including the new Marvel Illustrated: The Odyssey:
  • The Odessey #1
  • The 3 Musketeers #4

June 08 - 2nd shipment

Only 3 new additions to my collection including the 1st issue of The 3 Musketeers. Dresden Files #2 is still MIA:

Angel: After the Fall #8

The 3 Musketeers #1

Star Wars: Rebellion #14 - Small Victories p.4

Dark Horse in September

In Spetember, Dark Horse are offering 4 new additions to my collection, including a new Star Wars mini series:
  • Indiana Jones & the Tomb of the Gods #4
  • Star Wars: Clone Wars #1
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #33
  • Star Wars: Legacy #28

June 08 - 1st shipment

June's 1st shipment added 6 new items to my collection including the 2nd Indiana Jones omnibus that according to the Dark Horse web site was supposed to be released only at the end of the month. Dresden Files #2 is still MIA grrrrr:

Battlestar Galactica: Origins #6 - Adama p.2
Battlestar Galactica: Season Zero #9

Doctor Who Classics #7 - The Dogs of Doom p.2, The Time Witch

Indiana Jones Omnibus vol. 2 - Indiana Jones and the Golden Fleece #1-2, Indiana Jones and the Shrine of the Sea Devil, Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix #1-4, Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny #1-4, Indiana Jones and the Sargasso Pirates #1-4

Star Trek: New Frontier #3 - Turnaround p.3

Star Trek: Assignment Earth #2

Indiana Jones & the Kindom of the Crystal Skull

I haven't seen the movie yet but liked the comic adaptation. The story is interesting although quite early I guessed that Matt is actually Indi Jr.. Why do I get the impression that Matt was introduced for future sequells when Harrison Ford will decide that he is too old for the role ???
The art is bright and good too. I'm looking forward for the new Indi comics.

Star Wars: Dark Times - Paralels

I enjoyed this 2nd story arc of the Dark Times series less then the 1st story arc. Maybe because of the dark art that made it hard to dechiper what's happening, esp. when a blue/green creature is painted in a blue/green background. Maybe because there was no mention of Lord Vader or Palpatine. Or maybe because the annoying tendancy of the Jedi master to see himself as a monster when all he did was protect the innocent. He didn't use the force to get more power like Anakin did so I don't see why he has to worry about going to the dark side.

Highlander comics news

From Comics continuum:
  • Brandon Jerwa is returning to Highlander for an oversized two-parter early next year.
    Barrucci is targeting October 2009 for an ongoing Highlander.

There is also some mentioning a Blackbeard comics. I'm not holding my breath whne it comes to Dynamite announcements. Their track record is bad.

Updated 2.6.08 - According to an interview with writer Brandon Jarwa the new Highlander mini series will tell the history of the Krugen prior to the 1st Highlander movie. I'm not very excited because I prefer Duncan.