Writer Brian Lynch on Spike: After the fall

The new Spike: After the Fall mini series is supposed to debute next month from IDW. Here is what writer Brian Lynch had to say:

  • In IDW's Angel: After the Fall, all of the characters who survived the melee that concluded Joss Whedon's TV series have had to find their way in a Los Angeles cast into hell. As befit his character, the vampire Spike seemed to have it all at the start -- he was set up in a certain Beverly Hills mansion, surrounded by a cadre of female warriors and Illyria, too. But it wasn't always so easy for him.
  • Spike: After the Fall tells the tale of what happened in the intervening months since that alleyway cataclsym. Along for the ride in this series are Illyria, who has a tendency to revert back to Fred at inopportune times, as well as Angel's Dragon, and a new cast of characters as well. Most importantly, the series introduces a character who will come to be see as Spike¹s arch-nemesis. Even more than Angel.

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