- Next up... a sequel to the Furman penned “Infinity” story… .
When this will happen only god and Dynamite tptb know. And it only answer half of the question. Still no news about what's next in Painkiller Jane.
When this will happen only god and Dynamite tptb know. And it only answer half of the question. Still no news about what's next in Painkiller Jane.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic #26 - Vector p.2
This concludes a very exciting comics month with lots and lots of new additions to my growing collection :)
Stargate SG-1: Aris Boch
Painkiller Jane #5 (vol. 2)
Angel: Long Night's Journey (Angel #1-4 (vol. 2))
Star Wars: Tales vol. 6 (#21-24)
Doctor Who #2
Star Wars: Legacy #21
Star Wars: Rebellion #12
Starship Troopers #7 - Bad Blood p.3
These shipment included the items thta were missing from March 1st shipment, but not Moby Dick #2 is missing.
Dynamite's June solictaions have 3 new items:
Again no new Highlander, Painkiller Jane or Terminator comics :(
On the other hand, Avatar's June solicitaions again have not Stargate news and Boom! Studios' has no new Godfather comics GRRRRRR
Sounds great. Loved the Angel & Spike comics I read so far. Definitly going to add Spike: After the fall to my reading list.
I love the New Frontier books and own most of them. I'm so looking forward for this comics. I'll probably won't resist and will read the 1st issue as soon as I'll get it :) .
Dark Horse's June solicitations were not released yet, but on their website the upcoming releases for june are already up and contain 4 new items; including a new Indiana Jones series:
I'll order the new Indiana Jones series as soon as the actual solicitations will be released :)
Doctor Who Classics #4 - City of the Damned p.3, Timeslip & The Star Beast p.1
This is definetly going to be in my collection. As a kid I read all the books in the Marvel Illustrated line except for Moby Dick and the Ilad which I read later. Most of them I even read in 2 languages. It's facintating to actually see how other people visualize the characters and stories.
I am so looking forward to this mini series !!!