From newsarama:
- It’s a good time in comics for fans of Joss Whedon’s Buffy-verse.
- Dark Horse is telling of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer’s adventures following the conclusion of her television series and IDW’s Angel: After the Fall is officially continuing that character’s story post Season Five of the television series’ finale.
- But what about Spike? Does his official (read: approved by Whedon) story get explored and told anywhere?
- While the character has appeared in Angel: After the Fall, there were certainly some questions left unanswered. Those burning questions will be answered in Spike: After the Fall miniseries launching in July from IDW, by Brian Lynch and Franco Urru. As for the continuity…hang on…
- Angel: After the Fall #6, #7 and #8 tell stories of how the cast of characters was affected by the fight in the alley that ended the series. Issue #6 will feature Spike, Connor and Lorne; issue #7 will feature Wesley and a surprise return of a character from the Whedonverse; while issue #8 will feature Gwen, the effect of LA being thrust into hell on the city’s residents, and the fate of Gunn. Issue #9 will pick up from the cliffhanger at the end of issue #5, and will feature the new art team of Nick Runge and Art Lyon. #8 and #9 will both ship in June.
- Spike: After the Fall will spin out of the “First Night” events seen in Angel: After the Fall and events in issue #7, and tells of Spike’s first few months in hell and co-stars Illyria.
- Spike: After the Fall will run four issues.
Sounds great. Loved the Angel & Spike comics I read so far. Definitly going to add Spike: After the fall to my reading list.
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