February 08 - 1st shipment

Starting this week, CNV are reciving weekly shipment. This means that hopefully everry week there will be new additions to my collection. The 1st weekly shipment arrived today and has 4 new addtions:

Battlestar Galctica: Origins #2 - Baltar 2

Moby Dick #1

Star Wars: Legacy #19 - Claws of the Dragon 6

Star Wars: Rebellion #11 - Small Victories 1

2 Responses to "February 08 - 1st shipment"

lukas (visit their site)

any spare comics you might want to throw?+Nice blog!!

zriza (visit their site)

Thanks for visiting my blog :)
For now I'm still in the collecting mode. But probably in a year or so I'll decide to get rid of some of my misc. comics.