The 1st Infinities story I read was "The return of the Jedi". It was a long while ago so I don't recall the story except for the changed event had to to do with something happening to the golden robot. I do recall that I enjoyed it immensly and was looking forward to getting my hands on other Infinities books.
Last evening I finished reading the Infinities version of "A new hope" and was very disappointed. The start was very promising. The changed event was Luke's missiles detonating ahead of the their target and thus not destroying the death star. The result was the end of the rebellion and Princess Leia becoming part of the Empire's elite. But then it all went wrong. Luke went to Yoda's planet where he trained to become a Jedi, Han Solo arrives and tell him that Leia is alive, Yoda tells Luke that Lord Vader is actually Anakin Skywalker - his father and Leia is his twin sister, Luke goes to the rescue, Anakin awakens inside Vader, saves his children kill the Emperor and dies, and the empire ends. The story ends with Luke looking at the ghosts of Anakin, Yoda and Obi Wan. Sounds familier ??? Of course it does because it's the story of the "Return of the Jedi" movie. So at the end the changed event didn't affect the outcome, only the way to it. As I said - disappointing.
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