Angel: After the Fall #1-5

To start with, I have 2 complaints:
1. The 1st story arc was supposed to end in issue #5, but it didn't. Issue #5 ended in the middle of the fight between Angel and the hellish monsters, with a caption stating that it will be continued on issue #9 after the 3 issues "First Night".
2. Too many monsters. The story starts with "L.A. goes to hell" when Angel and co. stood up to Wlofram & Hart in the ally at the end of TV season 5. The artists too the easy way out in visualising "all hell broke loose" as L.A. being ran down by hellish monsters. A more elegant and sofisticated way would have been to draw the hellish minions as for example mafia bosses and goons.

Other then that, when you look beyond the monsters, the story is good. Angel is human again, Wesley is a ghost representing Wolfram & Hart, and Gunn was turned into a vampire. But when Angel challange the hellish monsters to a fight over the worlds future, the gang close ranks. Will they win ??? Guess I'll have to wait to issue #9 for an answer. Of course there are also Spike, Ilirya and Connor.

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