From Newsarama:
- Butcher started off by discussing why this mini is a prequel to the book series. He says he always drops references to other cases in the other Dresden books and that he always intends to go back to do short stories based on them. He says this story was actually inspired by a line in the pilot to the Dresden Files TV series referencing a past case at the zoo.“Oh, that mess in the zoo, that sounds so vague … it leaves so much room.” So when he was asked to write an out-of-continuity story to introduce Dresden to comic book readers, Butcher said “I called it ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ and threw in some Upton Sinclair quotes …and thus justified my college education. To myself anyway.”
- Butcher says the adaptation of his Storm Front is next on Dresden’s comic book agenda, but he’s not doing it. He did say that the Dabel Brothers may sucker him into doing a four-issue mini series set just after that storyline.
I enjoyed so much the 1st issue of Welcome to the Jungle and am so looking forward to the rest and to whatever Dabel Brothers will publish next.
Update: Dresden Files: Stormfront will be a 12-18 issue maxi series.
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