The 3 versions of CSI are among the best and most interesting series on TV today. The comics are as good both in the story and the graphics departments. Except when it comes to teh flashbacks. My diea of comics graphics is clear sharp images, because the picture panels replace the words> for some reason IDW decided to have Ashley Woods draw the flashback panels. I don't like his/hers style. It's too fuzzy and impressionalistic for comics. I want to see what's going on, not guess what's going on in each pnael. Those plashback graphics lessen my enjoyment. But I'm still looking forward for more CSI comics.

CSI: Dying in the Gutters #1-5
CSI: Miami
A collection of 3 stories: Smoking gun, Thou shalt not & Blood/money that I found last March on the bargain shleves at London's Forbidden Planet wonderful shop.
Another cheap find from Forbidden Planet's back issues online shop.
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