Highlander is the reason I discovered the vast and enjoyable comics world. I bought 2 copies of issue #0 with different covers because I am an Highlander fan, not because I was into comics. I read it and enjoyed this "new" media so much that I searched the net to see what else this media can offer to me, and the rest is history.
Talking about different covers - Dynamite release about 3-4 different covers for each issue of their titles, and IDW does the same for some of their titles. I get to choose the cover I like if there is more then 1 subscriber for a series at CNV. Lately I'm the only Highlander subsciber, so I'm stuck with whichever cover Diamond choose to send.
Highlander #0-12
This series includes 3 stories and 1 stand alone issue (#5). The graphics are good most of the time. I loved the 3rd story (issues #10-12) with Duncan, Methos & Amanda. But the graphics in those series were bad. It was hard to distinguish between the characters and Methos didn't look anything like Peter Wingfield, whom I've met almost 2 years ago at a Highlander con in Leeds. The other 2 stories had an overdose of the Krugan and I liked them less. The stand alone story was king of lame although the graphics were great.

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