IDW Focus on Star Trek
A waste of money. Except for a 5 pages story, there is nothing interesting in this issue. Unlike Star Wars hand book which was full of useful info and was worth every penny. In the future I'm going to stay away from IDW's "focus on" issues.
Star Trek: Alien Spotlight -
ndorians, Gorn, Orions & Vulcans
Writing stories each dedicated to another alien race from Star Trek's universe is a brilliant idea. Too bad that each race gets only 1 issue, unlike the Klingons that got a 5 issues mini-series.
The good new is that IDW are planning another Alien Spotlight series.

Star Trek DS9: Lightstorm
Loved it and hoping that IDW will get the license to do DS9 comics.
Star Trek DS9: Terok Nor
Star Trek New Frontier: Double Time
Love the New Frontier universe created by Peter David and can't wait to read his new series from IDW that's supposed to start on March.
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