Stargate comics

I love Stargate as much as I love Star Trek, and not only because of Jack O'neill. The whole concept of ancient gods as aliens and the Stargate is brilliant. Unfortunately the comics license is in the incompetent hands of Avatar. Incompetent, not in the story and art departments but because they just ignore it. The 2007 con special was the only issue released on 2007.

Stargate SG-1 con specials: 2004, 2006 & 2007
The stories and art are great but 16 pages per story is way too short :(
I've got 2 different covers of the 2006 issue, and hope to find in bargain bins more covers of all the Stargate comics, not to mention the 3 issues I don't have yet.

Stargate SG-1: Fall of Rome prequel, #1-3
Great story and art. Loved every page. It only shows what Avatar are capable of producing, if only they wanted. There are 2 different covers of issue #3

Stargate SG-1: P.O.W #1-3
Again loved every minute of it.

Stargate SG-1L Ra Reborn prequel

The prequel is great, but unfortunately there is no sign of the rest of the issues. :(
Stargate Atlantis: Wraithfall preview, #1-3
The preview was waste of money. It was just a b&w version of issue #1's beginning. The rest was great.

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